Monday, November 7, 2011

NHBPM Day 7 ~ Super-sized case of the mondays

Today's prompt for National Health Blog Post Month could not be more timely.  The prompt is to write about something that gets you down, burns you out, or makes you sad. Purge it in a blog post.
Turn it around at the end. Tell Tuesday why you’re ready for it.


As I just tweeted, I am less than two hours away from my investigatory interview, beginning the interview phase of the EEO disability discrimination complaint process.  This is the focus of my blogging this month in the other blog I'm participating in NHBPM with (I keep the discrimination stuff over there, for the most part, so I can be more positive in this blog).

I'm sure I'm over-posting about this interview, and interestingly doing it without really saying all that much.  It's just that there is toooo much to say.  Monday is not a good day for something like this!

I haven't had butterflies like this in a very long time.  It reeeaaaallly isn't helping my IBS, which hasn't acted up like this in weeks aside from dietary mistakes.

Yesterday's post in Bread and Roses (the other blog I just mentioned) was supposed to be a run down of the main points I wanted to make sure the investigator is clear on.  But it broke down into negativity, so I cut it short and went to bed.

I need to find a way to stay calm, get my paperwork in order if I can, and wait for the call.  I've waited for this for months and it doesn't seem like a phone call could do it justice. 


Tuesday will be great?  Tuesday will be great.  I will be done with the interview and maybe have some idea of what's next.  Most importantly, I'll be done with the interview.  I'll have heard the voice of the investigator and hopefully have some idea of how thorough and competent he is.


I should be excited to finally be at this point and get to say what needs to be said, but this process has taught me that there is ALWAYS cause for fear, especially when a new person enters the picture.

This post was written as part of NHBPM – 30 health posts in 30 days:
I am also participating in my Bread and Roses Blog

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